Wednesday, March 27, 2013

away we go

Done with orientation, and in a few hours I'm driving off to my home for the next ten weeks... sort of. Turns out the school I'm working at is on break next week, and also Friday is Good Friday, so I am going to drive there, go to bed, wake up and go to school on Thursday, and then I guess hang out and explore until Friday night, when I'm getting dinner with one of the kids, and then sometime after that I'm coming back to Hanover (can't stay away, really) to do some on-campus work for the program and day trip out to see the other two interns. So I won't really be going away for another week.

I still am going to school tomorrow, and that's crazy. During orientation earlier today, one of the things we had to write was a word that described our present emotions. Mine was happy-sad. Yes, hyphenated. I'm officially the least decisive person ever to exist. It really is a mixed bag of emotions though - on one hand, I am so, so excited for this to start. After orientation-ing for three days, I feel pretty good about this and am so stoked to meet the kids and be in a school and teach people and learn from them and see what it's like to be in an underprivileged school and see what I can do to make it a better place. But I'm also sad because I don't want to leave (and I don't have to, yet, really, so there is that).

When I was younger, someone told me, or I read in a book somewhere or something, "You don't need a reason to be happy. You need a reason to be sad." I wrote about this quote already today, so I'll keep it short. I think it's a good quote. I just think it needs an addendum: When you have a reason to be sad, remember that you also have reasons to be happy. Nothing is stopping you from having happy stuff and sad stuff in your life, and it's really up to you to decide which stuff is more important.

COOL gonna go write some letters to some people and get on the road!

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