Thursday, March 28, 2013

I survived

my first day of school! Awesome! I'm also the most tired. I'm almost certain that if I fall asleep now I literally just will not wake up until Saturday.

I feel like all day long I had so much to reflect on and right now all I want to do is sleep.

My day involved way more cats than I ever could have possibly imagined. I actually cannot escape cats. The beginning of the day was super awesome, besides the part where it was 6 AM and freezing, because I woke up to this beautiful first-day-of-school note from Dan (the guy who was awesome enough to let me live in his house for the term).

Then, when I was in the guidance office (where my desk is), somehow a conversation with a student and a teacher turned into a conversation about cats. I promise I did not instigate that. I was pretty much just listening. Still, cats. Then, that student was stapling some tissues together to make a cat (couldn't tell if she was serious or not) and I told her she should put them on the tissue box and turn the tissue box into a cat. Forgot to take a picture but there is now a cat tissue box running around in the guidance office.

In less cat-related news, I only got asked if I was a student once, and by asked I mean I had to go to the cafeteria to get a utensil for my lunch that I so thoughtfully brought from home (a.k.a. the leftover pesto pasta I made during interim), and when I was trying to leave the cafeteria with my newly acquired spork someone asked me where I was going, and I was like "woooo I'm the new person" and then we laughed and I left feeling more accomplished than I needed to feel. Small victories, man. And speaking of small victories and going places, I DID NOT GET LOST ONCE TODAY. This is almost definitely because I got people to walk me pretty much everywhere I went, although at the end of the day, after having been walked from one place I didn't know how I got to, to a second place that I didn't know how I got to, I somehow managed to find my way back to the guidance office and my stuff. So proud.

Today was both the last day of school before their spring break, and Senior Skip Day, so it was a little difficult to get a real sense of how the school functions when people are more present. It was ideal for a get-to-know-the-school day though because teachers were much more open since it was a movie-watching, hang-out kind of day, which meant I actually got to talk to the teachers and get to know them pretty well (or as well as you can get to know someone in half an hour). Getting to know the kids better is going to be great, I can already tell. I'm lucky that all the previous interns have affected the kids pretty positively, because they were all excited to meet me and didn't mind walking me places and seemed to enjoy that I was there.

Also - way more swearing and sexual innuendo than I expected, but I'm definitely okay with that. And the two guidance counselors I work the most with are hilarious. And the kids are all awesome. And I'm falling asleep. Good night.

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