Sunday, April 7, 2013

Toto, I don't think we're in Hanover anymore

I actually left, for real this time. After a lovely three hour drive through a lot of empty fields and then a field with cows and then some more empty fields and also the weirdest rainstorm ever (upstate NY, do you know how to rain continuously? I don't think you're supposed to rain for two seconds and then stop and then start for another two seconds. I don't think that's how that's supposed to work), I made it to a grocery store about 15 minutes from where I'm staying and decided it was a really excellent time to buy a ton of food. I'm now procrastinating from attempting to cook any of it by writing this. I also am starting to think that this is going to end up being more of a blog about my attempts to be a real functioning person who makes edible food. I will make an active effort to write about more than just my failed attempts at cooking. 
School starts tomorrow! Woo! I'm actually excited now. This morning I was super bummed about leaving, which is silly, but I had the best week with friends and not a lot of stress and a lot of visceral happiness and I didn't want to leave that. On the bright side it makes me excited to write letters. Sending letters to friends is an important thing, as a very meaningful poem once said. 
This morning I don't think I was ready to let go of all of that. But, as a wise person once said, "Sucks to suck" (a snarky wise person, clearly). I may not be ready but I don't really have a choice, I'm here in upstate New York and I'm going to school tomorrow and I'm about to cook myself dinner (AHHHH) so I might as well get stoked, you know? I'm making my own food! I just spent $200 on food! It's like I'm a real person or something! Go me! 

Here are some fun facts from the day.

Fun Fact #1: V-neck undershirts cost way more than they should. Nothing that flimsy should cost more than five bucks. (On that note, maybe someone should alert every fashion designer ever.)

Fun Fact #2: I did not see a single animal in one of the large fields I drove past until I got into New York. 

Fun Fact #2.5: I crossed the New York border and promptly, like two seconds in, saw a field of cows. Vermont, you are slacking.

Fun Fact #3: Just kidding. In case it was unclear by the description of what I did today, there aren't actually 3 fun things about driving from Hanover, New Hampshire to Schenectady, New York. (But there are 2.5 fun things, so that's cool.)

Also, this has nothing to do with my internship or being a real person or anything really, but last night rocked. I really don't think I've ever had so much fun being social at Dartmouth. And I want to remember that. I love my friends. : )

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