Monday, April 15, 2013

weekends are for trying new things

One nice thing about working at a high school is that you get your weekends off, and you don't really have very much to do in preparation for the next week. I've taken this to be a good opportunity to do a lot of things purely because I have the time to do them. So, this weekend, I played in a frisbee tournament.

Let's get one thing straight - I don't play frisbee. That is not a thing that I am really capable of doing. However, I am friends with a lot of the frisbee team, and I like hanging out with them, and really, when will I ever have the time at Dartmouth to spend a weekend playing a sport I have never played before? So, I played in a frisbee tournament. And it was awesome. I learned how to play frisbee, I did some things that were good, I ran a lot, got really sunburned, the whole shebang. I still can't really throw a frisbee, but I can catch them and apparently that's 90 percent of what you need to be decent enough at frisbee to play in a tournament.

Other fun things: Last night I went to the local open mic night and it was also super fun. I played, and it went well, and I played one of the songs I wrote which impressed me because I barely feel comfortable playing my own stuff at Dartmouth. Maybe I'm just getting more comfortable with the idea of putting personal stuff like that out there... I don't know. Anyways, that was fun and the cafe where they have the open mic night is freaking awesome - definitely going to start going there all of the time. That'll be sweet because I won't feel quite so guilty about never leaving the house if I just hole up in the cafe instead.

It is still cold. Why is it so cold? I feel like everywhere I go here is cold. It is freezing in my room. It is freezing in the guidance office. It is freezing in the classrooms. I'm starting to think that Dartmouth is actually brilliant for keeping it inordinately hot in every building all winter long. Also, the weather reports here lie. It's supposed to get up to 62 today and right now it's 39. Good thing I can always touch my sunburned face for warmth!

Okay, back to school. I have to go find the kids and give them notes with important information. Sweet!

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