Tuesday, April 16, 2013

extended naptime

Today, I came home from school and there was so much free time awaiting me! I made myself lunch for tomorrow, which is great because I won't have to do that in the morning - hence, more sleep! and then I went upstairs, and in the middle of changing into my pajamas (yes, this is a thing I do at 4 PM) I decided it would be a great time for a nap, and promptly fell asleep with no pants on. Whoops.

The only downside to this was actually just that I'd been super stoked to make something new and interesting for dinner, and then I woke up at 6:30 or so and was bummed to a) put on pants and b) have to make dinner instead of just eating. But once I put pants on, the prospect of making dinner didn't seem as daunting, and now I am full of delicious scallops and veggies and Lactaid milk. And tomorrow's lunch is already made. Winning.

I think sometimes at Dartmouth it's easy to forget what immaturity looks like because it's often masked in a veil of intelligence or excused by alcohol. High school doesn't wear the same disguises, and immaturity is prevalent (albeit occasionally funny). So many dirty jokes. So many. I like having humor in my day, and I also like being around people who are completely and openly honest. But sometimes when the kids are tiptoeing on the balance beam between hilarious and inappropriate I start to question my life choices a little bit.

I got more candy for the bowl, and got a ton of stories out of it today, which rocked. I love sharing stories. It's taking a piece of your life and letting someone else look at it. I think stories are important because they enable you to appreciate the people around you in a more complete way.

I also got a lot of jokes, and I'm writing down the absurd ones for use at a later time in life. I promise you, this will one day come in very handy.

Here are some especially bad jokes that I definitely laughed at:

Where does Batman go to pee?
    To the bat-room (said in a ghetto voice. optional: add a head nod)

If you're an American outside of the bathroom, what are you inside the bathroom?
    European (you're a-peein')!!!!!

Wanna hear a dirty joke? A horse fell in mud.

Why did Susie fall off the swing?
    She had no arms.
Knock Knock
    Who's there?
Not Susie...

So this is hopefully painting a decent picture of what sort of interactions I have on a daily basis.

On a more serious note, this movie The Place Beyond the Pines recently came out (or is about to come out? unclear) and it's about Schenectady. A bunch of the kids are actually in it, which is pretty awesome. But the thing that came up about this movie wasn't that a bunch of the high-schoolers are mini Hollywood stars now - what made this a hot topic was actually a YouTube clip of one of the actors talking about Schenectady and kind of ripping on the town.

Here is a trailer (which I just watched and now I kind of want to see it for a reason that's not just RYAN GOSLING IS IN IT).

Here is the video they were watching in school. The actor starts addressing the town specifically at around 2:30. I think the comments do a good job illuminating some of the kids' frustrations with the interview.

Okay, so that's a bummer and I don't want to leave you on a bummer note but I ran out of other things to talk about, so this is a more neutral statement that ends with an exclamation point!

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