Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The moral of the last two days is that next time I buy candy for the office, I need to buy a kind of candy I don't like, because I've literally just been sitting here eating candy all day every day. Pretzel M&Ms and almond M&Ms are officially off limits. The Skittles and on-sale Easter chocolate can stay though.

This is my candy bowl:

The previous interns mentioned that because there are kids in the office all the time, the candy runs out really fast, so to save money and not have to refill the bowl as often, I made this sign. It's working, which is awesome. I have gotten so many high fives, and also some great bad jokes, and yesterday a kid even did magic tricks for me for a solid twenty minutes. And one time I came back to a piece of paper with a high five drawn on it. That happened. I feel accomplished.

One thing I've noticed that has worked really well so far is conversations. It's hard because the topics have to be spontaneous, otherwise you can't really talk. It's not like "quick! talk about robots! go!" but more of a "what's going on in your life" that leads to something super random but relatable and open. So far today I have talked to kids about an alarm clock that wakes you up by gradually getting brighter, how awesome it is when the radio doesn't have commercials, and dragons. And it's only 10 AM.

Also, here is last night's dinner. Making dinner is weird because I'm excited about it but I'm always exhausted by the time I'm hungry.

After school yesterday, it was nice enough outside to do some exploring, and since I hadn't actually gone around the entire school yet, I decided to make that my exercise for the day and ran around the school. Fun fact: It is a mile-long run. Then I did sit-ups in the backyard of the house. Then I made dinner and fell asleep watching the 6th episode of Star Wars. It was 8 PM.

Oops. Eating more M&Ms. And now giving the candy bowl an evil look. Good thing I have all afternoon to run a mile (or two or three... wait, who am I kidding) around the school!

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